Nintendo 3DS, April Fools, and the Ubisoft Conspiracy Theory are discussed. Youko is joined by TheBuzzSaw, who last appeared in Episode 54! iPhone OS 4 and Pokémon Black/White are also touched upon. Mailtime is also featured – what games do the hosts like that everyone else seems to hate? Youko, along with TheBuzzSaw, breaks down the latest news from the gaming world! Easter Egg: Board Games and Sudoku
Tag Archive for resurgathon contest
Episode 59: Catching Up
Episode 58: The Pokécast
A Pokémon Retrospective, Heart Gold/Soul Silver, and a Competitive Tutorial are discussed. Youko is joined by Super and Tony TH, who last appeared in Episode 56! Sonic 4 achievement rumors and the Playstation Move are also touched upon. Mailtime is also featured – what types would the SMYN cast be if they were Pokémon? Youko, along with Super and TonyTH, break down the latest news from the gaming world in a Pokéfilled episode! Easter Egg: Pikaroll and Another Failed Start
Episode 57: Airship Away
The Airship, Brawl Tier List v4, and the Nintendo Media Summit are discussed. Youko is joined by Jason Rice (M3D) and Scav, who last appeared on the original Pandacast, complete the trio of primary Airship staff members! Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M are touched upon. Mailtime is also featured – who do the hosts think is the most evil villain in any type of media? Youko, along with M3D and Scav, break down the latest news from the gaming world. Easter Egg: Let’s Strum – Stickerbrush Symphony