Tag Archive for kinect

Episode 89: U and ME3

Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo Conferences from E3 2011 are discussed. Also, most anticipated games of the show, grades for the Big 3, and much more! Contest winner Damon Wilson is a ghost, so runner-up GameBuddy does a wonderful job filling in as our guest. Was this E3 2011 one to remember, or did it just leave us looking forward to next year’s show? Youko, TheBuzzSaw, and GameBuddy break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Peanut Butter Water

Episode 88: PrEdiction Paradis3

50 E3 2011 Yes/No Questions and Big Boss Predictions are discussed. In this three hour monstrosity of an episode, we used BlogTalkRadio in order to have fans of the show call in live to discuss speculative E3 topics with Youko and TheBuzzSaw. Some say that it’s one of our best episodes to date. We’ll be back in one week with the winner of our contest in order to discuss all that happened at the Electronic Entertainment Expo! But for now and for posterity, enjoy this hype-filled episode! Youko, TheBuzzSaw, and all our fans who called in break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: SMYN’s Season 7 Theme

Episode 82: Oshawotter Temple

Nintendo at GDC, Third Brawliversary, and Japan’s Earthquake are discussed. Also, Pokemon Black/White, iPad 2, NCIS’ MMO is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! The guest this week is the force behind Box of Danger and Pokemon: The Abridged Series, also featured on Episode 73 of SMYN, MasterWGS. Mailtime is also featured – what are the hosts’ favorite shows and movies from when they were a kid? Youko, TheBuzzSaw, and MasterWGS break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Egoraptor’s Sequelitis and RedLetterMedia

Episode 78: Kind of a Letdown

Nintendo World, Avatar Kinect, and New PokeNames are discussed. Also, MaXplosion, PSP2 rumors, the latest MvC3 news, and much more! It’ll be tough to live up to expectations after the Game of the Year awards, so the guys are taking it easy this week. Youko, TheBuzzSaw, and a surprise guest break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Episode 74: Podcast Abridged

Kinect, Game-named Streets, and Buzz’s New Job are discussed. Youko and CyberLink420 are joined by the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series himself, LittleKuriboh, as well as animator/voice actor extraordinaire and friend of the show Kirbopher for a very special interview. Then TheBuzzSaw joins Youko for, more or less, what the show really is about. Mailtime is also featured: if you had $5, what would you do with it? Youko and TheBuzzSaw break down the latest news from the gaming world! Easter Egg: YGO Babies