Archive for Season 8

Episode 132: An Always-On Birthday

Always-On Xbox, LucasArts Shut Down, and April Fools Reflection are discussed. Also, Bioshock Infinite critiques and Cartoon Network classics on Netflix in the Soapbox segment, the best gamers in bed survey is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! TheBuzzSaw is able to stop by the show, while Super is out of town winning Smash tournaments. Meanwhile, Youko is about to finish his last grad school class and, most importantly, Tony turns 24! Youko, TheBuzzSaw, and TonyTH break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Kadree is in the ‘NO’ stage


Headline 1: Xbox 720 Rumor Round-Up
More Xbox always-on rumors
Adam Orth on Twitter
Possible spilled release info
Headline 2: LucasArts shut down, Star Wars games canned
Headline 3: April Fool’s Wrap-Up
Kotaku Collection
A Sucky No Choosing Day
Project M: Turbo Mode
Hilarity of the week: Xbox gamers best in bed

Maverick Hunter FPS
Square-Enix’s Thief reboot trailer
GTA V box art revealed through mural
Batman: Arkham Origins revealed
RIP, Roger Ebert

Defiance, BattleBlock Theater, Borderlands 2: Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack

Youko: Bioshock Infinite critiques – SPOILERS in this article!
Tony: Cartoon Network classics on Netflix

“Here’s a Thought: Tony, get Steam.”

Episode 131: I Am the Podcastingist

PAX East, Metal Gear Solid V, and Skullgirls’ Indiegogo Success are discussed. Also, the terribly flawed attractiveness survey and Pikachu 3DS XL hunts in the Soapbox segment, the SimCity debacle is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! Jirard “Dragonrider” Khalil is our guest, as we discuss his perspective on video games and its industry as “The Completionist.” We finish the show with a thought on completing games – which titles have the hosts gone out of their way most to finish 100%? Youko, Super, TonyTH, and Jirard break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Greg playing games, Travel Troubles


Headline 1: PAX East (Jirard’s experience there)
Ducktales, WOO-OOO!
Borderlands 2 Wrap-Up
Headline 2: GDC 2013
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
“Infiltrator” Unreal Engine 4 Demo
Headline 3: Skullgirls’ Indiegogo Success
Hilarity of the week: LOL more EA and SimCity …and also some Dead Space 3/review talk?

Wii U game to finally use NFC
Star Wars: First Assault
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix trophy list

Tomb Raider, SimCity, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate, MLB 13: The Show, Mass Effect 3: Citadel, God of War: Ascension, Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm, Lego City Undercover, Gears of War: Judgment, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, Bioshock Infinite

Youko: The terribly flawed attractiveness survey
Tony: Pikachu 3DS XL hunt
Super: Another Pikachu 3DS XL hunt!
Jirard: Tropes vs. Women in Games

Which game have you gone most out of your way to complete? For Jirard – which game presented the greatest struggle for you?

Go check out Jirard’s work!
YouTube – The Completionist

Episode 130: Sipping on Some Life (I)

SimCity Disaster and catching up on life are discussed. Real life is hitting the hosts pretty hard, so instead of putting in a weak effort, everyone is relaxed with some drinks to catch up on a more personal level. While they’re at it, the biggest game story from the week is discussed. Youko, Super, and TonyTH take it easy with good spirits and good discussion!

Easter Egg: Drinking Tolerance

EA Ruins SimCity

Episode 129: An Assassin’s Destiny

PlayStation 4 revealed, Bungie reveals Destiny, and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag are discussed. Also, the future of offline single-player and BattleBlock Theater in the Soapbox segment, Fox New’s reaction to George Washington DLC is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! We finish the show with a thought on desert island games – which game would the hosts play if they were stranded? Youko, Super, and TonyTH break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: The Completionist as a guest


Headline 1: Sony reveals PS4
Headline 2: Bungie reveals Destiny
Headline 3: Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Hilarity of the week: Fox News and the George Washington outrage

Pokémon X/Y rumors
PS4 won’t support 4K games, 3D not a focus
Zelda: Oracle games coming to 3DS Virtual Console
New PS All-Stars characters (Isaac/Zeus)
KH HD 1.5 Remix heading West

Crysis 3, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, ACIII: Tyranny of King Washington

Youko: Crytek says offline single-player has to go
Tony: Getting back into Pokémon
Super: BattleBlock Theater

If you could only take one game with you to a desert island, which would it be?

Episode 128: A Valentine 4 Luigi

‘Future of PlayStation’ incoming, Valentine Nintendo Direct, and Next-Xbox reported features are discussed. Also, Rayman Legends Wii U delay and Hasbro quells Fighting is Magic in the Soapbox segment, a ten-year-old’s girlfriend hunt on 3DS is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! Mic_128, who hasn’t been on the show in years, stops by with the Aussie flair that we missed so much! We finish the show with a thought on gaming Valentines – if the hosts were in a game’s world, who would their crushes be? Youko, Super, TonyTH, and Mic_128 break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Super meets a WTFP fan


Headline 1: Sony’s ‘Future of PlayStation’ February 20th event
Headline 2: Nintendo Direct – Valentine Edition
Headline 3: Next-Xbox reported features include no used games
Hilarity of the week: Ten-year-old’s GF hunt on 3DS

Sony cuts ties with Superbot Entertainment
Unexpected games show up on Steam database

Fire Emblem Awakening, Dead Space 3, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Brain Age: Concentration Training

Youko: Completed Wii U Rayman Legends delayed
Tony: Thoughts on DmC and Dante’s character
Mic: Aussie game prices, 18+ ban lifts
Super: Hasbro quells Fighting is Magic

Who would be your gaming Valentine (crush, if you were in that world)?