Archive for Season 6

Episode 78: Kind of a Letdown

Nintendo World, Avatar Kinect, and New PokeNames are discussed. Also, MaXplosion, PSP2 rumors, the latest MvC3 news, and much more! It’ll be tough to live up to expectations after the Game of the Year awards, so the guys are taking it easy this week. Youko, TheBuzzSaw, and a surprise guest break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Episode 77: Game of the Year Awards

Episode 77 of Show Me Your News is the most epic one of all time. And that’s in a year where the word “Epic” has been used liberally in video games. While this isn’t a live episode, it is something Youko has been working on for about three weeks now. Basically, take the Spike VGAs. Then throw it out, because that is getting old and rotten. And then go buy some SMYN Game of the Year Awards. Except you aren’t buying it because it’s free.

Youko was trying for fangasm here. Are you not entertained?

Download the musical numbers here:
Time for Show Me Your News:
Closer (Die 2010):

Episode 76: NPH Shoots People

Spike VGAs, Sakurai Interview, and Virtual Property are discussed. Also, Kratos in Mortal Kombat, an MvC3 character update, a camera in someone’s head, and much more! SwordHunter joins the show as we will be broadcasting alongside the Spike VGAs, with live reactions and discussions regarding the latest news that breaks during the awards show. Finally, Cyberlink420 discusses the MvC3 Dragoon Prophet in this week’s It’s Your Turn! Youko and the BuzzSaw, along with guest SwordHunter, break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Go vote for next episode’s Game of the Year Awards here:

Episode 75: Fancast Tooie

Thanksgiving, Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and Localized Starters are discussed. Also, Desert Bus, an MvC3 release date, a lawsuit three years late, and much more! With TheBuzzSaw unavailable due to inclement weather, some fans who haven’t been on SMYN before join the podcast. Youko, along with guests SolidSnake120, Taksu, ZeroRanma, and EGallardo26, break down the latest news from the gaming world! Easter Egg: Trivia and Test Dummy

Strangely, the buzzes in my sound card are somehow back for this episode. They’re really not so bad, though…just a heads up that they’re in there. Guess I should learn to restart my computer and refresh things before podcasts, eh?

Episode 74: Podcast Abridged

Kinect, Game-named Streets, and Buzz’s New Job are discussed. Youko and CyberLink420 are joined by the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series himself, LittleKuriboh, as well as animator/voice actor extraordinaire and friend of the show Kirbopher for a very special interview. Then TheBuzzSaw joins Youko for, more or less, what the show really is about. Mailtime is also featured: if you had $5, what would you do with it? Youko and TheBuzzSaw break down the latest news from the gaming world! Easter Egg: YGO Babies