Tag Archive for animal crossing: new leaf

Episode 140: Jiggling Developments

Kid Icarus: Uprising stage in the Smash Bros. Update, Xbox One’s in-system dev kit, and Fez 2’s cancellation are discussed. Also, Call of Duty death threats from fans and iPhone 5C hands-on time in the Soapbox segment, Lightning’s jiggly enhancements is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! While Super is at work and Buzz hosts family members, our guest is long-time fan of the show KindKing01, who hosts the “Three Average Gamers” Let’s Play series. Youko, TonyTH, and KindKing01 break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Dreamworks Hotel

Watch this episode in video form (or download the audio at the bottom)


KindKing: Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokémon Red
Tony: The Walking Dead, The Walking Dead: 400 Days, Kirby’s Dream Land
Youko: Sonic Generations (3DS), Ace Attorney: Justice for All HD

Headline 1: Smash Bros. Update – Uprising 3DS stage
Sakurai’s rationale for no cutscenes/story
Headline 2: Xbox One hopes to have an in-system dev kit in time
Headline 3: Phil Fish cancels Fez 2 after Twitter outburst
Hilarity of the Weak: Lightning has jiggle physics in the next Final Fantasy sequel

Call of Duty: Ghosts is coming to Wii U
EA thinks SimCity was a success
Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea DLC announced


Youko: Call of Duty fans give us a bad name
Tony: Finished watching Game of Thrones
KindKing: Reading the Age of Ultron comics, iPhone 5C hands-on impressions

Which demands more from its players?
Farmville (KindKing) vs. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Tony)

Youko: Man at Arms – Keyblade
KindKing: Three Average Gamers – Mario Party 7
Tony: Steam Train – No Time to Explain

Episode 138: Smashed and Grumpy

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS on Miiverse, Don Mattrick’s new job, and Game Grumps changing gears are discussed. Also, Mega Man 2 is overrated and OC Remix’s Final Fantasy VI album in the Soapbox segment, a poor-taste Facebook joke results in jail time in our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! It’s the Season 9 premiere of Show Me Your News! and because it’s that time of year, we’re gearing up for our anniversary festivities, as we started the show six years ago. Youko, Super, and TonyTH break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: More about OC Remix

Watch this episode in video form (or download the audio at the bottom)


Headline 1: Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS on Miiverse
Headline 2: Don Mattrick is now Zynga’s CEO
Headline 3: Game Grumps changes gears
Hilarity of the Weak: LoL player makes poor-taste joke on Facebook, ends up behind bars

Ouya arrived in stores on 6/26, with uncertainty
Nintendo may be backing out of YouTube revenue blocking

Fuse, Remember Me, State of Decay, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, The Last of Us, New Super Luigi U, Company of Heroes 2, Project X Zone, Deadpool, Game & Wario, Divekick

Super: Mega Man 2 is overrated
Tony: “The Impresario” on OC Remix’s FFVI album
Youko: Loud music in clubs/bars

Sixth Anniversary Planning

Episode 128: A Valentine 4 Luigi

‘Future of PlayStation’ incoming, Valentine Nintendo Direct, and Next-Xbox reported features are discussed. Also, Rayman Legends Wii U delay and Hasbro quells Fighting is Magic in the Soapbox segment, a ten-year-old’s girlfriend hunt on 3DS is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! Mic_128, who hasn’t been on the show in years, stops by with the Aussie flair that we missed so much! We finish the show with a thought on gaming Valentines – if the hosts were in a game’s world, who would their crushes be? Youko, Super, TonyTH, and Mic_128 break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Super meets a WTFP fan


Headline 1: Sony’s ‘Future of PlayStation’ February 20th event
Headline 2: Nintendo Direct – Valentine Edition
Headline 3: Next-Xbox reported features include no used games
Hilarity of the week: Ten-year-old’s GF hunt on 3DS

Sony cuts ties with Superbot Entertainment
Unexpected games show up on Steam database

Fire Emblem Awakening, Dead Space 3, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Brain Age: Concentration Training

Youko: Completed Wii U Rayman Legends delayed
Tony: Thoughts on DmC and Dante’s character
Mic: Aussie game prices, 18+ ban lifts
Super: Hasbro quells Fighting is Magic

Who would be your gaming Valentine (crush, if you were in that world)?