“The New Panda”

Ever since SamuraiPanda has moved on to medical school, there have been requests for a new permanent co-host for Show Me Your News. After losing hours of sleep in deliberation, I would like to officially announce who will become new co-host of SMYN, aka “The New Panda.”

TheBuzzSaw has been one of my closest friends regarding Show Me Your News, and he has given SO MUCH to my simple little project. In addition to being on several episodes, his hard work has given us the gorgeous webspace to make SMYN its own entity. Plus, as an aspiring game director, his experience and knowledge of gaming is simply fantastic. I am proud to announce today that he will be the show’s new permanent co-host.

I also want to give credit to CyberLink420, the other individual that I was considering for this position. CyberLink has been a dedicated fan for a very long time and fits in very well on episodes with his friendly demeanor and humorous candor. He is very passionate about many games, especially some titles that will be important to SMYN’s future. I was literally back and forth between CyberLink and Buzz for this co-host position every day, which caused a lot of inner turmoil. Overall, I had to give Buzz the edge because he was the right PROFESSIONAL choice for the podcast. CyberLink would make an amazing permanent co-host, and he will certainly be on more episodes in the future, but for the podcast’s expansive future, I had to go with TheBuzzSaw in the end.

So now, in Season Six, we start a new era of podcasting. Here are some of the additions we’ll be bringing to the great SMYN experience you already know and love!

Panda was never big on the fan interaction side of things. I plan on giving Buzz access to SMYN’s Twitter, Facebook, etc. to post things as he wishes. As a co-host, he should absolutely feel free to update you guys on whatever he wants to share.

Super has the idea of creating something akin to That Guy With the Glasses’ “Channel Awesome,” where we take several SMYN-related projects and bill them under an over-arching name for a cohesive web experience. This can certainly be done with SMYN and TheBuzzSaw’s Zero2D (maybe even Sonic F? TonyTH’s comics at Middle Ground?). The need for affiliates will be greater than ever if we are going to get back to the glory days of SMYN’s fan base.

I have found a way to finally get a clear audio feed for Stickam for you all! With audio balance for guests and everything! In addition, live episodes will feature my webcam ON, along with a scrolling caption of what is going on. Podcasts will still be audio-only, but this will be a great benefit for those who listen to the show live! Also, for those who stop by Stickam during random gaming times will be pleased by this treat.

That’s right, we now can use PICTURE-IN-PICTURE in Stickam streams!

We hope to have more ideas for future SMYN awesomeness, but if you wish to help with the brainstorming, please post in this thread.

FINALLY, confirmation on tomorrow’s livestream time for EPISODE 66!


Hopefully at least one of these news tidbits has made you smile!