Podcast Topic HELP!

Is ANYBODY excited for Pokémon Heart Gold/Soul Silver?

As it would have it, we will likely have an SMYN Episode on March 14th (the release date of HG/SS) with established Poké and podcast fan NinjaLink. Details still have to be worked out (like official time) before we officially announce it, but it will be SMYN’s first ever Pokécast!! It has been established before that the franchise is very near and dear to my heart, so what better time to dedicate an episode to it than the North American launch of a current-gen remake of the best generation of Pokémon of all time!

However, we need suggestions for TOPICS OF DISCUSSION from other Pokéfans regarding what you want to hear about regarding Heart Gold/Soul Silver. A couple pointers…

– We will try to make the episode interesting for those that have never played Pokémon before, but there may be certain things that go over new players’ heads.

– We cannot promise to be spoiler-free. While you’ve probably played the original Gold/Silver before, there are a few small changes this time around that are worth noting (particularly how the newer generations are involved) that we will likely report. The idea is for this episode to be a FULL GUIDE to all the game has to offer!

– We can absolutely delve into the aspects of competitive Pokémon! I myself am learning the tips and tricks behind EV Training just to gear up for this part of the episode. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to make that perfect Pokémon to dominate all your friends (and even tournament-goers at The Airship) with, this will be the episode for you!

This is just a taste of what the Pokécast has to offer! But it needs your help as far as what you want to hear regarding one of the biggest Nintendo DS launches this year!