Kicking This Off, Youko-style

Many thanks to Buzz, our wonderful webmaster, for getting this up and running.

I guess I’ll be most my ramblings here over time. It’s a Youko blog. Cool? I thought so.

So what’s this one about? Ummm…podcasting with Egoraptor and TomaMoto was pretty damn cool. I don’t know if internet-idol is too much of a stretch for how I perceive Ego, but wow, that was a thrill. It was almost intimidating and I didn’t think interviewing him would be so difficult. I guess people say I did well, but I dunno, it’s gonna be one of those podcasts where I’m gonna have a very hard time listening to myself in the future. You are your own worst critic, right?

But holy shit. The intro is now TOO awesome with the line Ego recorded and Toma mixed. It is TIGHT, if you haven’t listened to it yet.

Been playing through Halo 3’s campaign with SwordHunter. I guess we’re kinda near the end, just starting the mission where you save Cortana, but DAMN, I am NOT that good at FPS games. Maybe it still takes more practice – I guess I’ve gotten better since I picked up the 360. I’m mostly still really PUMPED about the NXE on Wednesday with Netflix. WHO KNEW NETFLIX HAD THAT MANY ANIME DVDs? Like…if I want to reminisce with Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and all that old school shit and more, they have it all ON TOP of all the movies. For $8.99 a month! Wow…

So I should be watching this movie – Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (The Fat Years Are Over…in German). I have flag football tonight indoors at the facility where the UMich football team practices…I dunno, that was really cool back in the day, but it’s lost a lot of its luster this year. I’ll TAKE IT over playing in snow, though.

I dunno, I like doing this. We’ll see if you guys actually care enough (or see if this even exists). I’ll leave you with the scary TV spot for LIPS for the Xbox 360, which was advertised at E3 ’08. Um…yeah, all I can say is wow.