B/W Countdown: 4 Days

For each day until the release of Pokémon Black and White, like I did with HG/SS, I will be posing a question for the community to give their feedback on.


My answer to yesterday’s question:
Dream World is going to be amazing with all the new abilities, plus the ability to store Pokémon online. However, my most anticipated feature is random wi-fi battles. I mean, why don’t they hype this up more? Are they just embarrassed that this is a feature that should have been included starting with Diamond/Pearl? Well, it’s been a long time coming and I can’t WAIT to battle random trainers online.


Gym Leaders are a very important part of Pokémon games, and Black/White’s bosses are no exception, with some new structure changes in the first and eighth gyms. Which leader is your favorite at this point and why? LINK WITH NO PARTY SPOILERS